Founder, Bobble AI: Ankit Prasad

(1) Who are you and what do you do?
I am Ankit Prasad, founder & CEO of Bobble AI. We are on a mission to empower billions by making their communication personal, expressive and smart with cutting-edge AI technologies around Input Methods including Keyboard, Voice, Languages, Content, etc. As a company we work on a B2B2C model and offer innovative solutions backed by AI across industries and geographical markets. As a young kid I was inquisitive and fascinated by technology.  At just the tender age of 6, I wrote my first program, which was formally appreciated by the District Administrative Head and by 16, I made my first startup profitable. While I was pursuing an engineering degree in Mathematics & Computing, my entrepreneurial ambitions made me drop out of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and since then, I have been following my heart and passion towards building a company powered by innovation. 

(2) In two sentences or less, describe how you participate in the startup ecosystem.
Being a founder, I understand the importance of being surrounded by like-minded and passionate people.  As a first generation entrepreneur I value the importance of shared knowledge backed by personal experiences. This is what I love to do. At forums I share experiences and learnings of my entrepreneurial journey with fellow colleagues and founders. I share my viewpoints around AI, smartphones and anything related to building a strong organizational structure.  

(3) What are you currently reading right now and would recommend to others?
Currently, I am reading Naked Economics by Charles Wheelan, a book which explains complex economics in a clear-cut manner. I would definitely recommend it to other people, especially entrepreneurs as everyone hails from different educational background and the knowledge of economics is a must in building a sustainable and scalable business model. 

(4) What makes you stay in the startup ecosystem?
Having a startup is not just a job. It’s a mission which is challenging but at the same time, it’s exciting. Being an entrepreneur, I have a desire to add value and make the world a better place. It provides me immense satisfaction, and of course my bread and butter as well 🙂

(5) What drives your passion for the startup ecosystem?
Passion is one of those intangibles that compels an entrepreneur, persuades them through the good times and the intense times, and ultimately dictates the success of any startup. I believe that this passion is a prime motivation for all entrepreneurs, as it transfers and spreads among the startup ecosystem and therefore to a unified team. A kind of network effect!

(6) Where do you see the startup ecosystem in 5 years?
In the next 5 years, the startup ecosystem is on course of embellishment. Startups will lead the world in bringing the change, and will spearhead the fight against the evils of the community including corruption, discrimination, etc. Government, societies, corporations, stakeholders who are in the vicinity of startups will instil their trusts for the growth of new, and to fight existing monopolies. Maintaining the present scenario in mind there is a major need for restoration and with the constant development, a more sustainable approach will be adopted.

(7) How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?
Failure hurts! We all experience this emotion and more often, we dread even entertaining the thought of failing, but that feeling is momentary. As a founder, I have conditioned myself in a way that after every fall, stand up and move on. Over a period of time, I have become tolerant of failures but simultaneously, I have started to embrace them. I like thinking of failures as “unforgettable” lessons because of the pain associated with them and look forward to changing course to achieve success.

(8) What is one of the best worthwhile investments you’ve ever made (could be financial, time, energy, etc.)?
My best investment is spending my time watching movies! Time and again, we watch movies with a mere aim for entertainment, but they impart vital lessons to us. Movies encourage me to in think outside the social boundaries and realities that our society has crafted for us. Being an entrepreneur, it is extremely essential to believe in endless opportunities and also, to be limitless. Therefore, watching a movie is never a waste of time, instead, it is a practice that fortifies my mind and compels me to feel a lot more creative.

(9) What do you do to refocus yourself when you feel overwhelmed or unfocused?
In an overwhelming situation, my finance sheet acts as a catalyst and forces me back to reality. My ledger consistently nudges me to stay focused and not lose the path. Being a startup, we always have limited funds, hence, it’s extremely important to embrace frugality and use each penny in the most effective possible way so that we don’t end up diluting limited resources.

(10)What’s one piece of advice would you give someone trying to break into the startup ecosystem?
Don’t do it! Unless the drive comes naturally from within.

Being an entrepreneur is hard, society will perceive that you are making a lot of money, your life is great and that you’re famous, but that’s not the reality. Unless you have passion and strength to keep struggling and hustling, you thrive into the world of startups.  






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