Founder, Tokenzier: Manindra Majumdar

  1. Who are you and what do you do?
    Founder of Tokenizer and BlockX.
  2. In two sentences or less, describe how you participate in the startup ecosystem.
    I am working towards building infrastructure for the web3 ecosystem and how to converge them to web2. In that direction, Tokenizer Banx is a regulated NeoBank that can handle both crypto and fiat. BlockX is a Layer 1 next-generation blockchain for developers and users to access web3 apps.
  3. What are you currently reading right now and would recommend to others?
    How to DeFi (Coingecko) – Darren Lau and others, 5am Club – Robin Sharma.
  4. What makes you stay in the startup ecosystem?
    Constant innovation in the Blockchain space.
  5. What drives your passion about the startup ecosystem?
    The sheer amount of talented people in this space is immense who are all thinking out of the box to remold the fabric of our society for the good.
  6. Where do you see the startup ecosystem in 5 years?
    Global Crowdfunding & Tokenomics will greatly impact the ecosystem from a fundraising and governance point of view.
  7. How has failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?
    Failures force you to learn more and look at more alternatives and options. This process enables a better understanding of problems and the alternatives which can lead to a more fine-tuned strategy set for success.
  8. What is one of the best worthwhile investments you’ve ever made (could be financial, time, energy, etc.)?
    Early BTC and ETH. And now BCX.
  9. What do you do to refocus yourself when you feel overwhelmed or unfocused?
    Listen to Focus Music (youtube, spotify,, talk to other friends / mentors.
  10. What’s one piece of advice you would give someone trying to break into the startup ecosystem?
    Just do it. Startups are not a spectator sport. You have to play to learn and win.

Click HERE if you would like to get in touch with Manindra Majumdar.






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