Category: Articles
Why The Next Round Of Innovation Will Be Slower & Not Be About Technology But About Changing Human Behavior
Technological innovation has been dramatic over the past decade. From the rise of social media to the emergence of Big Data, there is no doubt that the past decade’s innovations have dramatically disrupted socio-economic fundamentals. New business models such as same day on-demand delivery and new technologies such as virtual reality are changing the way…
Can Humanity Keep Up With The Rapid Technology Changes In The Economy?
“Changes that were required to take advantage of automation and artificial intelligence within organizational processes used to be slow enough that humans could adapt to the changes… Today, however, artificial intelligence and the transitioning of the economy from a physical one to a software one has accelerated the shifts that employees must deal with. Perhaps…
Lying Flat & Quiet Quitting: Are They Symptomatic of People Catching On That A Lot of Work Will Disappear Through Automation?
“It seems that the work environment is on the cusp of another change. During the pandemic, it was the Great Resignation, where individuals decided that greener pastures were better elsewhere. However, for some, the Great Resignation turned into the Great Regret as they realized the greener pastures were not so green.”
We Are Living In An Era of Unprecedented Change. How Do We Build Startup Ecosystem Resiliency?
“While the technology industry in general has continued to thrive and grow, its growth has been threatened by… growing reach and attention of state regulators and the increasing discontent…”
Most Businesses Focus On The 20%. As Businesses Grow, However, It Is The 80% That They Need To Consider
“Many would wonder how a laser-like focus in these uncertain economic times would be detrimental to a growing startup headed towards IPO. The reality is that while a laser-like focus on the core customer base is crucial at the beginning of a startup’s lifecycle, too much of a focus on the core customer base later…
In The Future of Work War Are We Moving “Back to the Future” or Another Battle As Part of A Long War?
“At the end of the day, the “Great Reshuffling” isn’t only about employees increasing their salaries and opportunities but it is realizing what they truly value from a work experience and whether the organization they work for values them as more than a widget.”
Are We Entering An Era of Enterprise Startup Growth?
“…the startup ecosystem is entering a period of dynamic flux that may be beneficial for enterprise startups. It is an environment where slower innovation and adoption may be the future for the entire startup ecosystem, one that enterprise startups may be primed to exploit.”
In An Era of De-Globalization, What Are Startups Supposed To Do To Thrive & Survive?
With all these challenges on tap for startups related to the de-globalization era, what does it mean for the overall startup ecosystem?… Instead of driving their own destinies, startups may find that they need to react to externalities such as dynamic market conditions and government policies. This greater attention to externalities will lead to a…
Basic Research: A Critical Lynchpin To The Startup Ecosystem
“While we know where our technological advancements are coming from in the past and present, the future is more muddled. No one can predict either how long it will take to discover the next lynchpin technological innovation or what that lynchpin technological innovation is. In many respects, for all the advancements in human society over…
Will The Financialization Of The Economy Help Startups Or Hinder Them?
“Startups, in many respects, have always been at the whim of timing and market circumstance… How does the financialization of the economy impact the sustainability and the growth potential of startups? While there are some that would argue that startups are able to capitalize on these rapid market changes whether through their nimbleness or their…