Category: Articles
Why We Need To “Expand The Tent” On Opportunity
The pandemic continues its unrelenting disruption of the socio-political and economic orders around the globe with the results leading to significant and long lasting devastation. There is increasing worry about the potential for increased bankruptcies, joblessness and homelessness once government funded rescue programs end. What we, as a society, are seeing is a significant reduction…
How Do We Ensure A Holistic Recovery?
While the pandemic still rages, there increasingly is hope for society to move forward again. Vaccines are slowly being rolled out and there is light at the end of the tunnel. While many individuals think that with the vaccine rollout everything will return to normal, the reality is that there is no returning to “normal”.…
It’s Nothing Personal It’s Just Business. Is It Even Possible?
One of the first checklist items that any entrepreneur is told to complete is to incorporate a separate legal entity. Not only does it ensure that personal assets and liabilities are separated from the business but it ensures that the entrepreneurial idea is ready to grow whether through outside investment or an eventual merger and…
We’re Entering An Age Where Convincing Hearts & Minds Will Be Increasingly Critical To Succeed
For those lucky enough to be in the heart of Silicon Valley, they have been living at the forefront changes that have been impacting society across the board from personal to professional. These changes have, in many respects, been driven by the technology developed in Silicon Valley. From social media to the Internet itself, there…
Are We Finally Seeing The End Of Dumb Productivity?
Silicon Valley has always been pushing new ideas when it comes to work. Indeed, startups have always pushed the concept that you need to be “passionate” about what you are doing. Considering the long hours and frenetic pace that startups usually operate at, the reality is that “passion” is sometimes the emotion that enables entrepreneurs…
Technology Meets Entertainment: How Will The First Gig Economy Handle The Second Gig Economy?
With the recent announcement of Amazon purchasing MGM Entertainment for $8.5 billion USD, many are wondering what it means for the entertainment industry if anything at all. Some would argue that the “invasion” by technology giants heralds the end of the entertainment industry as we know it. However, there is the potential argument that technology…
In An Era Of Decentralization, How Is Individual Startup Culture Formed?
While there is no doubt that the pandemic has brought about a significant amount of misery and suffering, it has potentially opened up opportunities for new innovation and creativity, particularly in the space of workforce development and management. Indeed, what we are experiencing may end up deciding how work is distributed and managed over the…
Have We Reaped What We Sowed? Has Startup Culture Pushed Society Towards Greater Fragmentation? Does It Matter?
With the socio-economic change that is picking up pace thanks to a number of factors including the ongoing pandemic, one wonders about the root causes of this dramatic socio-economic change. While some would point to the changes in technology as the root cause of these socio-economic changes, it could be argued that the way in…